Savant Technical Consulting is a small, research-driven consulting company built by world-leading experts in the fields of microbiology and biotechnology, process and bio-process design, and life cycle assessment (LCA).
Examples of services provided by Savant include:
- General technical advice in the fields of biotechnology, microbiology, biofuels and life cycle assessment (LCA)
- Evaluation of and due diligence investigations for investment opportunities
- Third party consulting for correspondence with regulatory bodies, including testing program design and implementation and results evaluation
- Grant writing and regulatory approvals support services, e.g. securing approvals for new bioproducts
- Cost estimates and financial modelling
The Savant Team has extensive experience in the renewable energy, biofuels and biotechnology industries, waste management, bioremediation, and anaerobic digestion. The Project Team has experience in evaluating the impacts of regulations and government policy on bioenergy businesses, including policy impacts and policy options for Natural Resources Canada, the Government of Ontario, APEC, and numerous other groups and organizations. Savant’s team also has extensive experience in life cycle assessment (LCA), carbon accounting, energy and environmental policy analysis, environmental engineering, techno-economic analysis (TEA), and environmental and sustainable systems evaluations, including analyses of liquid biofuels, biobased electricity and anaerobic digestion.